Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Adjective: Arousing revulsion or strong indignation.
Let that be my thoughts at this moment upon hearing that the republican party in the United States voted unanimously to repeal the health care bill put forward by the President last year.  What a shame that special interest groups of the greedy kind once again have had their way.  That is not to say that there were not loopholes or shortcomings in the bill as it was presented, but to repeal it completely and all the work that went along with it to me is not just irresponsible, it is petty and it is disgusting.  I am ashamed of those in the house who were not willing to admit that there are serious flaws with the current way of doing things in the United States where health care is concerned.  I am so sick of hearing and seeing the leaders of nations rallying behind the color red or blue, rather than whatever color represents common sense and long-term vision.  I swear that if I have to listen to the gloating republican pundits, I will throw up.  If we continue down this road that we are on, it will lead to our destruction as a continent, not just the US of A.  If we think that our border removes us from feeling the fallout as a result of this continued self-serving leadership, then we are as blind as the men and woman who voted in support of this repeal.  I will not lose hope, but I am certainly ashamed.  Don't give up Mr President...we are still here.